I returned home from work today to find the transformer installed. It is quite an enormous beast.
Below is a view of the progress inside the addition. Electrical boxes for outlets and switches, HVAC ducts, and can lights are all visible. At the right is the new mudroom wall, and the pantry cabinet. (We recovered a couple inches of space by turning the studs sideways at the back of that cabinet.)

Wow!!! It’s really happening, so awesome to see. The transformer isn’t that horrible. Come summer the foliage will hopefully fill in and you won’t be able to see it. So exciting! We can’t wait to come over and see the progress in person.
Thanks! Yes, I think we can put some bushes or hydrangeas around the transformer. It’s in a decent spot (it was nearly in the front yard). There will be a lot of landscaping to do, since they have pretty much wrecked everything. It is pretty fun now that we can actually walk around in the new space and get a feel for it. We haven’t been in the basement yet because it’s still just gravel. They are pouring the concrete today or tomorrow so work should begin down there soon.